Ticks Spread Disease in Georgia - STARI?
Karen Schradin
WSAV News 3
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
They're found up and down the East Coast, most commonly in the South. Lone Star Ticks are mistakenly thought to be less dangerous than Deer Ticks, which carry and transmit Lyme disease.
Health officials now know, Lone Star Ticks carry something just as dangerous, it's called STARI. That stands for Southern Tick Associated Rash Illness.
"Its the southern equivalent of Lyme disease. It presents itself with the same symptoms as Lyme disease. The bullseye rash, flu like symptoms like fever, malaise, general tiredness, muscle aches, joint pain, and sometimes when it progresses, they could have facial paralysis or chronic arthritis." says Epidemiologist Cristina Pasa.